Sicilian, The

download Sicilian, TheGiuliano robs from the rich conservative landowners to give to the poor, serf-like peasants, who in turn hail him as their savior. As his popularity grows, so does his ego, and he eventually thinks he is above the power of his backer, Mafia Don Masino Croce. The Don, in turn, sets out to kill the upstart by convincing his cousin and closest advisor Gaspare to assassinate him


Sicilian, The DVD Info:

IMDB Rating: 5.00 out of 10 (769 votes)

Director: Michael Cimino

Actors: Christopher Lambert, Terence Stamp, Joss Ackland, John Turturro, Richard Bauer, Barbara Sukowa, Giulia Boschi, Ray McAnally, Barry Miller, Andreas Katsulas, Michael Wincott, Derrick Branche, Richard Venture, Ramon Bieri, Stanko Molnar,

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